Sunday, March 2, 2008

Funny Things Ella Says

NOTE: This is a post a I wrote a while back and forgot to publish.

While we were watching American Idol the other night, Ella decided she wanted to watch something else*. I like American Idol so I tried to talk her out of it. I said, "but Ella you have that singer** don't you want to grow up and be an American Idol?" Ella said, "No. I don't." So of course I asked what do you want to be when you grow up. She immediatley responded, "A Tiger".

*-something else- Doodlebops AGAIN!!!

**-singer- a toy microphone that turns your voice into a weird echo. Ella sings Twinkle Twinkle little star into it alot, but we are also working on Alicia Keys- No One and Amy Whinehose- Rehab (she really likes singing no no no)

Ella had her first official week of Big Girl panties. She refuses diapers and pull-ups, and we have even ventured out in public wearing big girl panties. (I try not to freak out tooo much when my precious little baby is using dirty public restrooms. Its is funny I never really thought of myself as a germ freak, but this has brought out the crazy in me.) To say the least she is doing very well and we are proud and amazed.

During the training process at school I got this note from her teacher:

Ella found a BM ball in her panties today. I asked her how that got there and she said, "I don't know, I think Daddy did it."

1 comment:

Kim said...

Boys are SOOO much easier at the public restroom thing (as long as they don't touch anything).