Thursday, April 10, 2008


We had a enjoyble Easter with our family and friends. Ella is still enjoying her Easter candy, and still tells me quite regularly that she does not like the Easter Bunny. He came to visit her school, and Ella kept her distance as she does with any costumed individual. (I googled this as a phobia, but was unable to find anything specific, just that some people still fear them as older children and adults.) She also did not like the fact that he would not talk.

We went to a community egg hunt in Kyle on Saturday, all our friends came out to enjoy the festivities as well. Ella managed to pick up about five eggs before the swarms of people overran the field. It was a sight to see. She also got to play in a bounce house, always a favorite of hers.

The Easter Bunny left Ella a nice basket of goodies (minus the large chocolate bunny, apparently they were hard to come by when the Easter Bunny got to Ella's basket.) He also hid eggs for her outside. Our dog Minnie managed to eat the M &M's out of the eggs before Ella got outside. They were the only ones that had loose candy inside (the others were prepackaged inside the eggs) She was able to sniff them all out, so poor Ella hunted some empty eggs. (The dog is fine, by the way, after eating all the chocolate.)

The Easter Bunny wanted to make sure Ella didn't get missed so he also left her a basket at Grandma and Papa's and Amos and Kristens. We also hunted eggs again. So, anyone who was feeling sorry for her after I told you that the dog ate her M&M's, can rest assured that she recieved more that her fair share of candy.

We also colored some Easter eggs Saturday evening. Ella was having fun at first but got very tired, see picture below. The finished product turned out quite well.

1 comment:

Kim said...

WOW, sounds like Ella had a very busy Easter weekend!! I'm glad we got to see you guys, we enjoyed our visit.