Thursday, April 10, 2008

Redneck Pictures

NOTE: You'll have to forgive my neglectful blogging lately. Now that I have gotten back to it I found alot of things I meant to blog about of the last couple of months, so again sorry about the silence. I will try to be more regular.

March 2 and 3:
In an effort to continue Ella's redneck education we went to the Kyle racetrack to watch our friends Bryon and Cody participate in the Endurance Race, (it is longer than the races they generally take part in). Ella and I missed most of the race, but we were there when it counted... The End. The kids loved playing in the car after the race. Unfortunatley, Bryon wrecked fairly early on in the race and I think that particular car has seen its last race.

(L-R) Ella, Maddy, Beck, Bristol and Beau

That same week Holly, Brandy, Julie and I all went to see Gretchen Wilson at the Rodeo. Thanks to Holly for getting us the tickets and VIP lounge accesss. It was a good time. Before the show we got to watch the rodeo, which provided us with some good laughs. It was a great girls night and I have to say a actually like some of Gretchen Wilsons stuff, and I didn't even know it.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Watch out Jessie, she gonna be trying to drive before you know it!! I am SOOOOOO jealous about the rodeo, I love Gretchen Wilson! Damn New Mexico!!!