Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Haircut

A few weekends ago (2/7/09) Ella had her first haircut. She has been asking for one for quite some time now and I finnally decided I should face my fears and just do it. She acted just like a "big girl" sitting very still and following the stylists directions.

Basketball Season #1

Ella just completed her first basketball season this morning. Holly was nice enough to take on a third team this year, so that she could be Ella's coach. I pretended to be her assistant. Ella played on the Monarchs team with a great group of girls aged 3-6. It was definitely a fun experience for us both. I think Ella has started to learn a little bit about team work. When we first started the season she was not sure why she could not just be out there on the court all by herself with everyone watching. She also wasn't sure she needed coaching. By the end of the season she seemed to grasp the concept and even made a few baskets. It was also very exciting for so many of her friends and family to come and see her play. Thank You all very much for making the time.