Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hannah Montana

All of my efforts to thwart off the Hannah Montana obsession have failed. It is official, Ella is a fan (has been for a while, I am just begrudgingly admitting it now). We went to see the Hannah Montana Movie on Friday and the Easter Bunny brought her the soundtrack. On Sunday afternoon she spent hours dressed up in various outfits pretending to be Hannah. When I suggested it was bath time, she told me she would take a bath when she was Ella again right now she is Hannah. The best part was when she set up her barbies as an Audience, and then danced and sang for them.

Easter Part III (The Final Chapter)

Easter Sunday started out with lots of rain, but turned out to be a beautiful day. We woke up to find that the Easter Bunny had left Ella a Basket full of Goodies. After Church, we had a pot luck lunch with our Friends and Family and another Easter Egg hunt. It was a very nice Easter.

Easter Part II

It was a little chilly out on Saturday Morning, but we braved with weather and went to The Big Hunt at the Thunder Hill Raceway in Kyle. The Raymonds were there as well. The kids had a good time. Why wouldn't they, there were bounce houses, music, the Easter Bunny, and lots and lots of eggs to hunt (okay pick up off the ground). There were also Firemen and Racecars, truly something for everyone.

Up and Down the Super Slide.

Ella get so excited to see the Firemen at Community Events. She wants to go meet them and then gets scared and hides behind my legs. She really is enamored with them. The picture of her in the truck is funny, because she took off her shoes and got comfy like she was going for a ride.

A couple of pictures of the kids with their loot and silly faces.

And Here it is... The closest Ella's has ever been to the Easter Bunny (or any suited character for that matter). She even hung around long enough for the picture. Thank goodness Maddy was there to buffer. She was still very skittish, but also very brave in facing her fears.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009 Part 1

Ella and I made Cupcakes for her class Easter Party. She did a great job helping with frosting the cupcakes and adding the decorations. She was very excited about her party and getting to see the Easter Bunny. She insisted that she would not be scared this year and would sit on his lap. When I picked her up afterschool, I noticed that all of the other kids had pictures of themselves with the Easter Bunny in their Cubbies. Ella's cubby had a picture of all of the kids hunting eggs on the playground. She said his eyes were too big she did not want to sit on his lap. Stay tuned for more Encounters with the Easter Bunny...